
John Deere 5083E Turbo (NEW)

Thoroughbred Sku #: FRSBOR318615-2


OEM Part Numbers:318615, 3990015011, 3990015015, 471049-0002, 471049-N002, 6665WBS3/10.21, 6665WBSO/12.11, 666BWBS3/10.21, C15-011-02, C15-011-10, C1500202, C1501501, RE508971, RE509818, RE528771, RE529468, RE531073, RE532282, RE540549, RE548726, RE548734, RE548736, RE548746, RE59997, SE502195, SE502218, SE502445
Warranty: 12 Months

Product Details

John Deere 5083E Turbo Charger
Make: John Deere
Model Number: 5083E318615, 3990015011, 3990015015, 471049-0002, 471049-N002, 6665WBS3/10.21, 6665WBSO/12.11, 666BWBS3/10.21, C15-011-02, C15-011-10, C1500202, C1501501, RE508971, RE509818, RE528771, RE529468, RE531073, RE532282, RE540549, RE548726, RE548734, RE548736, RE548746, RE59997, SE502195, SE502218, SE502445

John Deere 5083E Turbo Charger for your John Deere 5083E is now available at Thoroughbred Diesel. At Thoroughbred Diesel we have expanded into the Agricultural market and offer a huge selection of industrial and tractor parts. Call us at 859-737-4966 for any questions you have on tractor parts.

Product Features:
  • John Deere 5083E Turbo - New S2A T With 2(With 4045HLV56/58 EN)SDT12019
  • OEM Part Numbers - 318615, 3990015011, 3990015015, 471049-0002, 471049-N002, 6665WBS3/10.21, 6665WBSO/12.11, 666BWBS3/10.21, C15-011-02, C15-011-10, C1500202, C1501501, RE508971, RE509818, RE528771, RE529468, RE531073, RE532282, RE540549, RE548726, RE548734, RE548736, RE548746, RE59997, SE502195, SE502218, SE502445


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